How teeth are saved depends on the amount of decay. In most cases the decay is removed and the tooth is restored with either a Composite (plastic) or Amalgam (silver filling). Unlike other offices, we do not stick to one type of restorative material for all teeth. We select what we feel is the best material to use for the particular situation, as well as providing alternatives for you to choose from. Some teeth have deep decay. These teeth can be painful but sometimes they are not. Teeth like this may need Endodontics (Root Canal).

root canal


1. Root canals are painful.
2. Root canals go bad anyway.

Myth 1

With the proper choice of anesthetics there is no pain in endodontic therapy.

Myth 2
This comes from individuals who forget to get the tooth restored after the root canal.

Most teeth can be saved.

As in the photo, when decay is this extensive, the whole tooth has to be covered with something. This is what is called a crown. Sometimes these teeth need a root canal. Depending on the amount of teeth involved and the person’s budget, the choice becomes pulling the bad teeth (extraction) and replacement with partials or a denture.

The best thing to do is call and set up an appointment for a consultation.

Many times things are not as bad as you may think. Let us work with you to help restore your smile.